Diana’s Blog Articles

Some are old, some are new, but each reflect something of the life of homeschooling.

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The Route to Your Brain

The Route to Your Brain

Different Kinds of Learners When it comes to learning, we all know that there are differences. Some seem to learn easily in school (straight “A” students), while others tend to fail. Some seem naturally “bookish,” while others prefer to be doing an activity. Some...

The Route to Your Brain

Different Kinds of Learners When it comes to learning, we all know that there are differences. Some seem to learn easily in school (straight “A” students), while others tend to fail. Some seem naturally “bookish,” while others prefer to be doing an activity. Some enjoy a quiet environment for study, while others thrive in an environment of noise and people. Some are slow starters, while others...

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Humor at Home

Humor at Home

Do you remember the saying, “Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day, teach me to fish and I’ll eat for a lifetime”?   It is as true for laughter as it is for seafood! “Tell me a joke, and I’ll laugh for a minute. Teach me good humor, and I’ll laugh for a lifetime.”...

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