Today begins an eight-part series on how God has made each of us smart. Now, you might be thinking, “Oh, well, maybe YOU are smart, but I’m not. . .and I have the grades to prove it! Uh-huh. I understand! And I beg to differ. You are smart. And so...
Do you have a doodler? Someone who is constantly drawing pictures when you think they’re taking notes? Maybe you’ve got a Lego-loving kid, who only seems interested in building the latest set of Lego structures. Perhaps you’ve got one who really...
Scene 1: The lake. My husband and I are inveterate, if amateur, water fowl watchers.We delight to observe the junior high antics of coots, the intensely punk look of mergansers and the aerial fishing techniques of osprey. But, among all the birds we commonly see,...
If I were to ask about your memories of being in school, what images pop into your mind? Do you see a desk, a stack of books, a chalkboard, a report card, recess? Perhaps your impressions run more along the lines of a stern and forbidding teacher or the camaraderie of...
Have you ever noticed that your kids keep getting older. . .and bigger? Amazingly, the longer you parent, the older your kids will become. And, in the blink of an eye, they suddenly become adults. Just yesterday I had three little kids, and today I have three grown...