Homeschooling with Perseverance

Homeschooling with Perseverance

You are facing extraordinary challenges, regardless of how easily your kids are learning their school work. Parenting itself is more demanding, more fraught with difficulties, than ever before. . . and homeschooling adds layers of complexity, stress and labor beyond...

Freedom to Invest

In the last three issues, we have been considering these homeschooling freedoms: We are free to slow down the pace; We are free to wrap the learning experience up in a blanket of love, assurance, and acceptance; We are free to give all of our kids a customized...

Freedom to Make It Fit

As homeschoolers, we have a freedom to give all of our kids a customized education—one that meets their specific needs. But what does that mean? How does that work? And is it really possible (given your busy life)? That’s what we want to talk about today. These...

Freedom to Love, Assure & Accept

Last week, we considered the freedom we have as homeschool parents to slow down the pace. Today, let’s talk about how we are free to wrap the learning experience up in a blanket of love, assurance, and acceptance. The model in our memory of how teachers act and...

Freedom & Liberty to Learn

One of the richest blessings of teaching our kids at home is the freedom it provides: We are free to slow down the pace; We are free to wrap the learning experience up in a blanket of love, assurance, and acceptance; We are free to give all of our kids a customized...