History & History Revealed

Teaching History and Using History Revealed

When it comes to history, there are a LOT of strongly held perspectives and quite a few places of controversy. So, how does the “average” homeschool parent (forgive me, you are certainly above average!) navigate through all of these without having to do a graduate degree in history??

For the past 35 years, I’ve been on my own journey of discovery in the area of history. It had always been a source of fascination (one of my favorite courses in college was African history!), but learning how to wisely and carefully guide others through the study of history—while avoiding the pitfalls—eventually became a full-time effort as a student, researcher, writer, and speaker—with the help and counsel of excellent academic historians.

If I can serve you by gently and humbly sharing the wisdom gained in these 3+ decades, it will a great joy.

Below you will find a few videos on History and History Revealed curriculum, along with various articles. It is my great hope that I will be able to add significantly to these collections, as there is SO much to say!

Videos About History & History Revealed

Posts About History & History Revealed

The Adventure of Betty Greene

The Adventure of Betty Greene

Do you ever wonder how your life will turn out? Are there many things you love to do, but they seem impossible to weave together in one lifetime? Have you ever pondered the adventures that may lie before you as you serve God? If you answered “yes” to any of these...

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Dear Friends, Right now, do you feel like you are overcoming. . .or are you going under? Whether struggling with illness, difficult relationships, lack of finances, unwanted changes, crushing disappointments, or numbing loss, many of us are in the midst of a storm. In...

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Why History?

Why History?

Today I want to talk honestly with you about a foundational aspect of history. . .one that could actually change your life.Why History? In the 30 years of writing and speaking about history to homeschoolers in this nation and around the world, I’ve often encountered...

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What brings history to life?

What brings history to life?

A few weeks ago, I spoke to a customer on the phone, and the things Alicia had to say about the History Revealed audio recordings were so encouraging that I asked if she would mind writing out her thoughts for me to share with you: "I cannot say enough good things...

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The 5 senses bring history to life

The 5 senses bring history to life

My very first book in 1989 was all about bringing history to life. The premise was that American history could come to life—and be FUN—when a folk song and its history were connected to actual events. But there are lots of other fun, hands-on ways to play with...

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Teaching Tip 1—You are ALL smart!

Teaching Tip 1—You are ALL smart!

Is it true? Are we all smart? The answer, believe it or not, is YES! Does that surprise you? If your experience in school was to convince you of the exact opposite, you may want to keep reading. . . Today begins a series of tutorials on my History Revealed curriculum....

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Ancient History Curriculum

Beginning with the creation of the world, this curriulum title continues—with a constant focus on Jewish history—all the way to the early Roman Empire; and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Middle Ages Curriculum

How was the world changed by the resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church? In this title, we examine the fast-growing movement of Christianity throughout the known world—and weave it into the history of the 1st through the 18th centuries.

Modern History Curriculum

In the modern era, what part has Christianity played in bringing hope and new life to a suffering world? Though it’s not all good news, people inspired by the Spirit of God have given everything to serve others. With this constant reminder of God’s loving-kindness, we tackle some of the the most difficult times in world history.

Online Courses with Diana

If your student would enjoy being part of an online class, this year we are offering Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, and, also World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I “teach” through recorded lectures, while a kind, generous teacher handles the live classes.

American History Through Music

Though they seem quite “out of fasion” in our modern culture, these are books with American folk songs and the stories behind them. Learn a bit of American history and experience the joy of America’s folk songs. Great fun for singing along!

World History Audio CD's & Mp3's

If you love listening to stories (at a rapid pace!), you’ll LOVE these audio recordings. Even if you are using a different curriculum for history, these audio recordings will add so much more depth and WOW-factor!