Here are a few articles with ideas for studying history, including one on teaching history using the 5 senses!
Why History?
Today I want to talk honestly with you about a foundational aspect of history. . .one that could actually change your life.Why History? In the 30 years of writing and speaking about history to homeschoolers in this nation and around the world, I’ve often encountered an attitude that history is merely…
What brings history to life?
A few weeks ago, I spoke to a customer on the phone, and the things Alicia had to say about the History Revealed audio recordings were so encouraging that I asked if she would mind writing out her thoughts for me to share with you: “I cannot say enough good…
The 5 senses bring history to life
My very first book in 1989 was all about bringing history to life. The premise was that American history could come to life—and be FUN—when a folk song and its history were connected to actual events. But there are lots of other fun, hands-on ways to play with history! You…