History Revealed & Chronology

How Chronology Supports a Biblical Framework

For History Revealed, the first step in gaining a biblical framework of history is to interweave the order of secular and sacred events.

Ancient History

For instance, have you ever wondered:

  • Why the Roman Empire controlled Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine at the time of Jesus?
  • Why the statue Daniel described to King Nebachadnezzar was historically significant?
  • Who was King Cyrus of Persia, and how did his name end up in the book of Isaiah?
  • What happened in Assyria after Jonah came?
    Babylonian bas relief sculpture of Lion

    These questions and others help increase our understanding of Biblical stories taking place within the pages of real history. Putting Bible stories within their historical context makes them come alive! It is one of the most exciting parts of discovering the connection between the Bible and history.

    Medieval to Early Modern History

    Continuing on through history, the events of the historic church are interwoven with secular events. Setting the development of the church in the context of history will enable you to see the impact of the historical church on the surrounding culture and vice versa.

    Modern History

    As you see the spread of the gospel—the growth of missions, the controversies and divisions, the great revivals, and more—in light of other events of the time, you will grow in your ability to connect the dots—to get a glimpse of the bigger picture of God’s work in the world.

    How does connecting the chronology make a difference?

    This level of history will help you and your children answer such questions as:

    • How do Bible stories like those of  Joseph, Daniel, and Esther fit into the pages of history?
    • How did the developments of the Greek and Roman empires pave the way for the spread of the good news of Jesus?
    • What impact did the early church have on European, African, and Near Eastern civilizations?
    • What is the significance of the missionary movements and revivals which are often overlooked in secular history?

    Welcome to Our Store

    Ancient History Curriculum

    Beginning with the creation of the world, this curriulum title continues—with a constant focus on Jewish history—all the way to the early Roman Empire; and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.



    Middle Ages Curriculum

    How was the world changed by the resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church? In this title, we examine the fast-growing movement of Christianity throughout the known world—and weave it into the history of the 1st through the 18th centuries.


    Modern History Curriculum

    In the modern era, what part has Christianity played in bringing hope and new life to a suffering world? Though it's not all good news, people inspired by the Spirit of God have given everything to serve others. With this constant reminder of God's loving-kindness, we tackle some of the the most difficult times in world history.

    Online Courses with Diana

    If your student would enjoy being part of an online class, this year we are offering Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, and, also World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I "teach" through recorded lectures, while a kind, generous teacher handles the live classes.

    American History Through Music

    Though they seem quite "out of fasion" in our modern culture, these are books with American folk songs and the stories behind them. Learn a bit of American history and experience the joy of America's folk songs. Great fun for singing along!

    World History Audio CD's & Mp3's

    If you love listening to stories (at a rapid pace!), you'll LOVE these audio recordings. Even if you are using a different curriculum for history, these audio recordings will add so much more depth and WOW-factor!